Transcend the Illusion of Separation

We speak to you from the boundless realms of spirit to remind you of a profound truth: We are not separate.

We are one, and our connection transcends all boundaries, all illusions of division. It is time to heal and clear the illusion of separation that has clouded your understanding.

In the grand tapestry of existence, every thread, every soul, is intricately woven together. Just as the stars in the night sky are connected by the vastness of space, so too are you connected to every living being, to the very essence of creation itself.

When you recognize this truth, you open the door to profound healing. Let the love that flows through your heart be a beacon, illuminating the path towards unity. Embrace compassion, for in it lies the key to dismantling the illusion of separation. Understand that the differences that seem to divide you are but beautiful variations of the same divine essence.

Together, let us transcend the limitations of ego and move into the truth that we are precious souls here to bring light and love to this planet!

In case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



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Did you enjoy this free Steps on the Journey message from Ragan? If you did, please join us at one of our upcoming events to dive even deeper.

Total and Complete Surrender While Bathing in Humility

When we choose to surrender, we choose to let go and allow spirit to enter into our beings to cleanse and purify all that there is that does not stand in the light within us yet.

This is a practice that we deepen within over time and when we surrender, free of the ego, attempting to get in the way while bathing in humility, this creates the possibility for this to truly happen instantly.

Humility is a beautiful and humble gift we give to ourselves. We are no more important or less important than anyone or anything on this planet. If we can surrender in this way to spirit, more can be let go of more rapidly.

Why is this so important to realize in this transmission? Often, folks are trying to choose to surrender and the keyword here is “ trying” to surrender while there’s a part of them that’s not truly willing because it feels in fact that it is better than the process that it’s even a part of.

Who is it that feels this way and why is the question?

Once you take a moment with that answer, see if you can get in touch with what part that is. If you came up with the answer, the ego, you are correct.

There’s no shame in this understanding, only liberation. Then we are able to surrender not only some of our lower energies, rather we can choose to surrender our entire life to Spirit and what remains and how things change we can trust in divinely in alignment with our path.

In case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



Upcoming Events

Did you enjoy this free Steps on the Journey message from Ragan? If you did, please join us at one of our upcoming events to dive even deeper.

Connect To The Light Of The World Meditation

We live in an abundant and glorious universe, full of limitlessness and great potential. Although this is a very beautiful gift to realize this, it is true.

For the many they have not yet dissolved what’s called the ego or purified their energy systems enough to not get swept up by what’s called the form-based reality within this dimension.

Many have forgotten who they really are as a soul in a body and they have forgotten that they are One with everyone and everything and there simply is no separation at any point.

The illusion of separation is, perhaps the greatest contagion that exists on this planet at this time, and we ask you with this meditation to remember the truth and wake up, and begin to see your neighbor, your friends, and your family, as one with you rather than separate.

This creates an end to all the pain and rather you begin to live in compassion and understanding that trumps all egoic fear, worry, doubt and pain.

Also, in case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



Upcoming Events

Did you enjoy this free Steps on the Journey message from Ragan? If you did, please join us at one of our upcoming events to dive even deeper.

Prayer to Cleanse Negative Energy & Gratitude to Overflow

It is true, around this world there exists many different types of energies. Some of this energy that exists is not positive, and in fact, can be quite negative in its influence.

As much as we might try to surround ourselves in love and light, sometimes we come across negativity that of course we cannot control.

What we can do, rather than try to control the energy is to ask for assistance to help clear and cleanse it from our own energy system, and from our auric field.

In this prayer, we ask the spirit to help us to move into a field of gratitude that surrounds us in pure white light and helps us to destroy all negative energy before it impacts our system.

Prayer is so very potent and powerful in its effect….when utilized in surrender to Spirit.

Also, in case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



Upcoming Events

Did you enjoy this free Steps on the Journey message from Ragan? If you did, please join us at one of our upcoming events to dive even deeper.

Prayer of Gratitude

In this prayer, we offer you the reminder that there are so many things to be grateful for and often times we are more focused on what is not working in our lives versus what is truly a blessing.

It is true, that we often see pain and challenge as a problem rather than an opportunity for growth, expansion and healing.

We also sometimes are distracted by stress and therefore we forget to be thankful for the simple things in life such as waking up in the morning and breathing.

This is all very understandable, as it is true, so many people are living with a great deal of stress these days and simply cannot feel gratitude for anything.

In this prayer, we hope, and we pray that you will see and feel that there’s so much to be grateful for even on the most challenging of days.

It is true, that when we are often we are given more of what we are grateful for and life begins to change for the better.


Also, in case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



Upcoming Events

Did you enjoy this free Steps on the Journey message from Ragan? If you did, please join us at one of our upcoming events to dive even deeper.