World Systems Solutions

Conscious Collaboration is the Antidote to the Climate Crisis

What is WSS?

WSS is a 501c3 non-profit organization with a vision to help resolve the climate emergency on a global scale.

Their organization is currently focused on bringing climate change organizations, government institutions, corporations, and the general public into an aligned understanding of the nature of the crisis we all face in order to facilitate and implement global strategies and solutions. 

How are they Solving the Climate Emergency?

They are currently building a full educational library, workshops, and various media channels to allow open access to this information. At the same time, they are working on developing a climate change solutions generation platform they refer to as the Social Movement Engine (SME).

The Social Movement Engine is a platform that connects the general public to world leaders in order to create strategies and solutions regarding the climate emergency crisis through three different levels of communication:

The first level will allow people from anywhere in the world to bring their own input regarding climate change and collect their votes, ideas and problems. 

The second level of the Social Movement Engine is composed of Universities, Think-Tanks, Research Institutions, Not-For-Profits, Governments and other experts. Their goal is to collect the feedback from the general public generated at the first level of the Social Movement Engine and use their expertise and tools to develop strategies and solutions to the climate emergency.

The third level is formed by world leaders, governments, collaborating corporations, local and global implementors and WSS facilitators. Their goal is to collect the information from the two previous levels (problems and solutions) and deliver, implement and facilitate these global strategies and solutions. 

How are they Solving the Climate Emergency?

They are currently building a full educational library, workshops, and various media channels to allow open access to this information. At the same time, they are working on developing a climate change solutions generation platform they refer to as the Social Movement Engine (SME).

The Social Movement Engine is a platform that connects the general public to world leaders in order to create strategies and solutions regarding the climate emergency crisis through three different levels of communication:

The first level will allow people from anywhere in the world to bring their own input regarding climate change and collect their votes, ideas and problems. 

The second level of the Social Movement Engine is composed of Universities, Think-Tanks, Research Institutions, Not-For-Profits, Governments and other experts. Their goal is to collect the feedback from the general public generated at the first level of the Social Movement Engine and use their expertise and tools to develop strategies and solutions to solve the climate emergency.

The third level is formed by world leaders, governments, collaborating corporations, local and global implementors and WSS facilitators. Their goal is to collect the information from the two previous levels (problems and solutions) and deliver, implement and facilitate these global strategies and solutions. 

Ragan’s Involvement within WSS.

For the past many months, Ragan has served as Chairperson of the Board at World Systems Solutions. During that time, she has had the privilege of working with many highly-skilled, wise, and brilliant folks from around the world, helping them fundraise money for the climate emergency cause.

Ragan collaborates within WSS’s Healing Hub by facilitating spiritual guidance for individuals, with the goal of supporting the healing of our planet. She also serves within the various teams such as the Conscious parenting, Educational design, Women’s empowerment workshop development and Mantra Team. 

These efforts are an answer to a call from Spirit to show up and serve our planet in order to built, develop and create a solid foundation in collaboration with other deeply committed and involved souls in an effort to solve the climate emergency.

What can you do to Help?

The WSS are currently in collaborative and formative conversations with various organizations which represent potential partnerships and solutions delivery architecture components on the Social Movement Engine moving forward.

These organizations are focused on agroecological carbon capture, food production and reforestation initiatives that can be deployed globally, artificial intelligence and machine learning developments mapped to climate change initiatives, mobile and on-site clean energy production and delivery initiatives, documentary production, and formative collaborative conversations with existing global and local conservation organizations.

So we are in need of a lot of help in many different sectors across the world and are currently seeking collaborations, donations and community service to help save the planet.

Upcoming WSS Events

World Systems Solution Spring Fundraising Gala

We extend to you a heartfelt invitation to join us on May 6th for theWorld Systems Solutions Spring Fundraising GalaThis is an absolutely unique moment in human history. We are on the cusp of realizing the most extraordinary human potentials. Through the empowerment...

Transforming Global Leadership: Building The Future Together

It is time to transform leadership and define, effect and adopt a new paradigm. This requires changing our developmental values, decision-making processes and priorities. It also means fundamentally changing the relationship between leaders and their constituencies and the information that supports constructive change efforts. In this proposed process everybody becomes a leader and collaborative contributor.

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