You don’t have to remain plugged into the consensus consciousness.

What do you feel causes you to be led by this unconscious tribal voice that tells you who you are, and how you need to be and keeps you distracted from your true Self by having you attempt to meet the expectations of this dense energetic stream?

Yes, that’s a mouthful and it’s a question that we hope will have you diving very deep into your energy system to see where you are remaining plugged in

You deserve freedom…you are already free! Please claim it…claim your sovereignty.

In this healing prayer, we will help you and we hope you feel a great shift afterward.

We invite you to click the play button above and tune in.

Also, in case you are new, a few times a month, we share meditations, divine guidance, and inspiration to aid you on your path. The best way to keep up is through email and our social media channels on the right of the page.



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